Thursday, January 12, 2012


My nieces cat Bella had kittens so I headed over with my camera. I love kittens. We had fun trying to get them to warm up to the camera all the while mom Bella was trying to move them back under the bed. I used to be a crazy cat lady before I became crazy dog lady. All my child hood I had a cat and the occasional batch of kittens..see pic. If I was bored I would ride my bike to my Grandpa and Grandma's farm on the Wiser Lake Road and find some barn kittens and take them home and in brown bag and then "tame" them. ALSO my whole childhood I had a runny nose..see where this is going? In my 20's I learned I was allergic to cats. That explained allot! But I still love the kitties just not for long:) Thanks girls for sharing your darling kittens!

1 comment:

Janice said...

My daughter sounds like you - she's always wanting a new kitty. We've always had one around - at least!